From pillow fights to chubby fingers in the fish bowl...let me capture the true wonderment of your child and the things that make their spirits soar. The images that I promise to capture will leave your eyes filled with tears and your heart filled with joy. Life is art and it should be captured to enjoy and remember forever. That is what I will do... that is my promise to you!
Looking forward to capturing you and your memories soon!
Maternity, Birth, Newborn, Children, Families, and Seniors.
Available for travel nationwide.
I had so much fun with this session. Probably because he's one of the coolest seniors that I know and he happens to be my cousin. After he graduates he has plans to walk from Michigan to California with a friend. I can't wait to hear about his adventures!
I had so much fun photographing these two beautiful girls. I was a little shocked when one of the girls showed up with her arm wrapped in a bandage due to a soccer injury. We were able to work around it and both of these girls totally rocked their session!
Some fun pictures from a trip this summer with a great friend of mine and our kiddos. This is part 1. I could probably add part 2, 3. 4, 5.... but who knows if I'll ever get around to it. I can only hope! Because I'm just in love with this series of pictures!
Complete adorableness! I love this entire family. I'm so glad that they chose me to work with them. I photographed this little peanut as a newborn and now again at 6mo. It's so fun to see how much they change over the course of 6mo. Can't wait to photographer her again when she's one! I have such a cool job. Lucky me!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Short on words as I'm swamped with sessions to edit. So for now, I'll let this gorgeous little girl in these images speak on my behalf. How can you not love her????? This is my second time taking pictures of her and my 5 time taking pictures of her big brother. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to get to any images of him edited yet. More to come.